I'm trying to get Jack audio working and I'm looking for a step by step
guide. I've done lots of searches but not found somewhere that seems
I'm starting jackd from RDAdmin->Manage Hosts->Jack Settings using the
command jackd -R -d alsa -d hw:0 -r 48000
if I do a ps -ax |grep jackd it seems to be running as I get the following
rd        2465  0.0  0.0 112812   972 pts/0    S+   19:19   0:00 grep
--color=auto jackd

But if I open stereo tool it does not seem to be able to find jackd. Both
jackd & stereo tool are running under the user 'rd'.
I have a M Audio Delta410 and followed the instructions here

If I try and manually start jackd using QjackCtl I get the error message
saying that hw0 is already in use and cannot start. Not sure if this
because it's already running or one of the rivendell processes has it.
Can anyone point me to somewhere that has a good guide to get jack running
on centos7 & Rivendell 3.4?

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