After upgrading one of my client systems to Rivendell 3.4.1, I'm seeing 
some odd behavior with Timed Events in RDAirplay.

Background: At this station, we have two events per day that want to be 
started ("gracefully") at one second past the top of the hour (00:01) 
after fading out whatever is playing in the previous hour.

I have been doing this with a Log in the Aux Log 1 machine. That "timer 
log" has two lines, one at 07:59:51, and one at 11:59:51. Both lines 
contain the same Macro Cart that "fades" the Main Log over 7 seconds, 
sleeps for 7.5 seconds, then stops the Main Log and "fades" the Main Log 
back to 0dB. Here is the contents of that Cart:

     MD 0 -40 7000!
     SP 7500!
     PS 1!
     MD 0 0 10!

This has been working just fine until last week when I upgraded 
Rivendell to 3.4.1. Now, with complete consistency, the Lines in Aux Log 
1 are starting five seconds later than the scheduled hard start times.

The result of the late start is that the Macro stops the Main Log 
*after* the top-of-hour Cart has started playing. Dead air.

Can anyone think of what might cause a timed event to start five seconds 
later than it should?

(In the meantime, I've moved these Macro Carts to be run via RDCatch.)

Thanks for your thoughts!!

   ~David Klann

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