Hey chris,

On 8/2/20 5:54 PM, chris cottingham wrote:
> How do I create an event in RDLogManager for Voicetracking? I want to 
> utilize the built in scheduler and create logs with Voicetracks already 
> setup.
> I know I can manually add the markers in the RDLogEdit. I would like to 
> automatically create them when I generate my logs.
> I am not using an external music scheduler.
> Any help is appreciated!

I just updated the text in the Rivendell Wiki article about how to "do 
automation": http://wiki.rivendellaudio.org/index.php/Log_Creation

Search that article for "voice track" (with a <Space>) and you'll find 
your answer. I recommend reading the whole article.

Hope this helps!


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