Hey Chuck,

On 8/3/20 7:56 PM, you wrote:
>    Well, the environment variables already have "DISPLAY=:0.0".
> Preceding the RD invocation of StereoTool with DISPLAY=:0 followed by
> /path/to/StereoTool actually prevents StereoTool from starting.
> Placing the DISPLAY=:0 following the StereoTool invocation allows
> StereoTool to start, but still no GUI.
>    If you have other ideas, fire away!

Can you pop open a terminal window and post (or send directly to me) the 
output of:

     mysql Rivendell -e "select command_line from JACK_CLIENTS where 
command_line like '%stereo%'"

You may need to add (before "Rivendell") the -h HOST -u USER -pPASSWD 
options to mysql in order to connect to your database.

I'd like to see exactly how you're telling caed to launch stereotool.



> --Chuck
> On Mon, 2020-08-03 at 13:26 +0000, David Klann wrote:
>> Hi Chuck,
>> On 8/2/20 11:45 PM, Chuck wrote:
>> Okay, I have asked over on the ST forum, but not gotten an answer,
>> so
>> maybe here is where I should be asking.
>> I am starting Stereo Tool with the RD Jack settings. But when I do
>> that,
>> the Stereo Tool GUI does not display, and I cannot figure out how to
>> force it to display. Anyone here know how to access the GUI when
>> started
>> by RD?
>> --Chuck Waggoner
>> I don't use StereoTool, but this sounds like it might be an X
>> Windows
>> issue. Do you have the DISPLAY environment variable set to :0 ? If
>> you
>> are using a shell script "wrapper" to launch ST, you might add the
>> DISPLAY variable like this:
>>      export DISPLAY=:0
>> Or, directly on the JACK command line inside RDAdmin->Manage
>> Hosts->[host]->Jack Clients you might try adding the DISPLAY setting
>> to
>> the command line:
>>      DISPLAY=:0 /path/to/stereo_tool_gui_jack_64
>> All is not lost if the above tricks don't work for you. Let's see
>> how
>> this goes for you and if they don't help, I've got another
>> suggestion...
>> Hope this helps!
>>     ~David Klann

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