Hi Gavin,

On 9/8/20 8:31 AM, you wrote:
> Never mind :)

Wait! No fair! :)

What was the resolution to the issue?

It sounds like it might have been user error, but I'm curious to know 
what you (or Rivendell) did do make this happen.


   ~David Klann

> On 9/09/2020 1:26 am, Gavin Stephens wrote:
>> I had a strange sequence of events this morning. On the way home from
>> work after 1am I heard a song that was sopose to play, not play even
>> though the log said it should have. Instead the one after it did, then
>> about 50 seconds in to the next song, the one that was sopose to play
>> finally started playing over the top of the next one and turned it in
>> to a train wreck.
>> Fortunately I was under a minute from reaching the Rivendell machine
>> so double checked what I had done but with conclusion as to why it
>> occurred.
>> I added a new song to the library this afternoon, and went in to the
>> already scheduled logs created by log manager via log edit, and
>> swapped out the odd existing song by choosing edit cart, to select the
>> new one for it's replacement. Then saved the log. I've done this to
>> about 4 logs for the rest of this week so I'm nervous it'll happen
>> again now.
>> I've checked the log both in RDAirPlay as the two of them were both
>> playing, and the new item is set to segue, not play or stop or timed
>> event. Same with the item after it. What would cause this behaviour?
>> Cheers,
>> Gavin.

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