That's what I needed!

Thanks everyone!

On 9/16/20, 5:45 AM, "David Klann" <> wrote:

    Hey chris,

    The setting of Now & Next data depends on the version of Rivendell 
    you're using. It sounds to me as if you're using Version 3.X. If that's 
    the case look for a button labeled "PyPAD Instances" in the 
    RDAdmin->Manage Hosts..." window (the same "button cluster" as the 
    "RDAirplay" button).

    The button *was* in the place you're looking for it in the pre-3.X versions.

    Hope this helps!

       ~David Klann

    On 9/16/20 12:06 AM, chris cottingham wrote:
    > I am trying to setup now playing data export. I have read online that I 
    > need to configure this via RDadmin-Manage 
    > Hosts-%Host%-RDairplay-Configure now & next data. But I do not have the 
    > button to press under my RDairplay for my host. It is missing.
    > How do I enable this feature or where do I find this button since it is 
    > not where the manual says it is.
    > Thanks!

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