Hey Tim,

On 10/21/20 1:52 PM, you wrote:
> Greetings,
> Got a new install of 3.4.1 on centos7 using the rivendell-install from 
> paravel.
> everything was working great.
> I made a change to the /etc/environment file to add a path and a couple 
> of variables we need for console control.
> rebooted, now all rd applications respond with
> rdadmin: error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot 
> open shared object file: No such file or directory

That file is included in the package qt3-3.3.8b-51.el7.x86_64. I 
recommend either reinstalling the qt3 package, or simply create the 
symlink like this:

     sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3.3.8 

If that ln(1) command fails, I'd recommend reinstalling the qt3 package.

Hope this helps!

   ~David Klann

> This file is not on the pc that I can find and it appears to be a qt3 file.
> I'm confused.
> Tim Camp

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