Hey Michael,

On 12/15/20 1:24 PM, you wrote:
> I'm following the installation instructions on the wiki at
> http://static.paravelsystems.com/rivendell-install-rd3/rivendell-install-rhel7.html
> I got everything installed and rebooted. Before I got into
> configuration, I wanted to download a new driver for the nic. I tried to
> ftp the file and get "-bash: ftp: command not found" I find it hard to
> believe a basic install would not have an ftp client installed
> automatically. We will be doing a lot of ftp of program files. Is there
> a particular ftp client I should install?

I would recommend using either wget(1) or curl(1). Both support FTP (and 
encrypted FTP) and are (IMHO) way easier to use than an old fashioned 
ftp command-line client.

Hope this helps!

   ~David Klann

> --
> 73,
> Michael WA7SKG
> "Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
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