Holy Cow Lorne!

On 12/24/20 3:13 PM, you wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> For getting the Time part, one way that I looked at in the past (but
> never implemented due to the work requried) is to record an audio cut
> for each minute of the day.  To cut down on the amount of recording it
> is possible to re-use the AM and PM recordings if you don't specify AM
> or PM in the audio.  So for example, you could use the same audio for
> saying "It's 12:42" for both 12:42 am and 12:42 pm, leaving it to the
> listeners to figure out if it is AM or PM.
> You'll want to make 2 carts, one for AM and one for PM, each with 720
> cuts of audio representing each minute of that time block.  Daypart each
> cut for the minute of time that it represents.
> When you want the time of day to play on the air, just schedule the
> appropriate cart (or both carts back to back).  It'll only play the cut
> that is dayparted for that specific minute.
> It takes a bunch of effort to get this type of thing set up, but once
> set up it should just work.  Furthermore it is all internal to Rivendell
> so if someone needs to figure it out in the future it should be fairly
> straight forward to figure out.
> Lorne Tyndale

This is brilliant! It never even occurred to me to load all the time 
cuts into a cart and then daypart each cut. Fabulous! Thanks for this!

I'm also playing with festival(1) and flight(1) to get the times and 
temperatures pre-recorded with voices sounding as human as possible with 
a synthesizer. Of course, nothing beats real, actual human voice 
recordings, but there are some pretty nice sounding "fake" voices 
available these days...

   ~David Klann

>> This station I am moving to Rivendell is currently running on a Windows
>> system. They somehow download the local weather from a NOAA site and
>> cull the local temperature from it. They have a Windows text-to-speech
>> program that reads the .txt file with the temp and creates a short mp3
>> file with the current temperature. They have a whole list of mp3 files
>> covering temps from 0-115 degrees. They also have a bunch of time files
>> with 0-12 hours, 0-59 minutes, and am/pm. I can't seem to find anything
>> in the existing Windows computer that actually performs this function.
>> The previous engineer who set all this up basically evaporated leaving
>> no documentation. The current staff knows it happens, but no idea how it
>> works. I found the time and temp audio files and an exe text2speech app,
>> but nothing else.
>> Is there anything in Rivendell or Linux I could use to provide this
>> functionality?
>> --
>> 73,
>> Michael WA7SKG
>> "Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
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