Hey Jesse,

On 2/17/21 11:12, Jesse Jones wrote:
> When I run rdlogmanager -r reconciliation -s Production in the command 
> line interface (terminal) as rd I get the report generated as set up in 
> RDAdmin>ManageReports  but when i run the macro RN rdlogmanager -r 
> reconciliation -s Production! it will not generate the report.  What am 
> I missing here?  The owner of the target directory is rd 
> (/home/rd/traffic_export).

You're most likely running the shell process launched by the RN macro as 
the Linux user "rivendell". You can confirm this by checking the 
settings for RnRmlOwner and RnRmlGroup in /etc/rd.conf (which is likely 
a symlink to /etc/rivendell.d/rd-default.conf).

RDLogManager may actually have generated the report. Check in the home 
directory of Linux user "rivendell" (probably /var/snd) for the report file.

You can optionally change the settings in /etc/rd.conf and make Linux 
user "rd" the RnRmlOwner and RnRmlGroup.

More details in the Rivendell Operations and Administration Guide.

Hope this helps!

   ~David Klann

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