A small bit of background: I put together a RD system for our community
LPFM, and am running it through its paces in the studio for a few weeks
before going live. It's currently a library server with two
clients---airplay and production. Right now, the majority of programming is
syndicated from audioport; automating these processes in RD will free up a
huge amount of time for station staff to concentrate on local programming.
I'm using David Klann's RDFetch to pull the syndicated programming into
dropboxes, and RD's dropbox management takes it from there. That's all
working flawlessly.

Now for the question: Is there any way to prevent RDAdmin's dropbox
configuration from deleting Evergreen cuts if I check the box "delete cuts
before importing"? I'd prefer not to have old episodes piling up in the
library, but I also would like to keep Evergreen episodes readily
available. Does anyone have a workaround for this?

Thanks for your thoughts!

*Andru Bemis*
557 Chenango Street, Binghamton, NY 13901, USA
(269) 767-8235


*Message sent from andrubemis.com <http://www.andrubemis.com>*
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