Hi Stan,

On 3/30/21 21:47, you wrote:
> Hi all
> I haven't seen Fred post anything for a while, is anyone in contact with
> him?
> Hope all is well!
> Stan

I had a brief email exchange with Fred a few weeks ago. In his note, he
said he was (paraphrasing) neck deep in coding for a QT5
re-implementation of Rivendell. And as Florent noted in his reply, one
can see his progress in the "qt5" branch on GitHub

I think that between this QT5 work and the Red Hat / CentOS news of late
we're going to be seeing some significant changes to the Rivendell
ecosystem in the coming months. This would be a great time to get
involved if you've ever considered contributing to the project!


   ~David Klann

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