Hey Jesse,

On 4/4/21 20:40, you wrote:
>      I have been flopping around like a fish out of water trying to get a 
> series
> of syndicated voice tracks to import through the dropboxes in Rivendell 3.5.  
> I
> have them automatically download to /var/programname via wget in RDCatch.
> They come in the format of TST_04-05-21_001.mp3
> TST_04-05-21_002.mp3
> TST_04-05-21_003.mp3

With names like this I think you could download *and* import them with
RDCatch. I would <Add> several new "Download" events in RDCach, and
specify them with something like:

  - URL: https://syndition.hostname.com/TST-%m-%d-%y_001.mp3
    Destination: 300001
  - URL: https://syndition.hostname.com/TST-%m-%d-%y_002.mp3
    Destination: 300002
  - URL: https://syndition.hostname.com/TST-%m-%d-%y_003.mp3
    Destination: 300003

And so on. See "Appendix D" in the "Rivendell Operations and
Administration Guide" (installed to /usr/share/rivendell/opsguide.pdf on
a "standard" installation) for all the possible "percent wild card"
symbols available.

Make sure to check every day of the week for which you expect to get new
files, and also make sure to specify the time of day so that it
coincides with the time at which the syndicator makes the files available.

> etc for a total of 20 cuts.  As you would expect the portion between 
> underscores
> corresponds with the date and changes daily.
> I want each voice track cut to go to specific carts 300001 through 300020
> corresponding with their "cut number" at the end.
>      I now know gazillion ways it won't work - but I am just not able to get 
> the
> syntax right.
>      I have been asking the dropboxes (one per cut) to import from
> "/var/programname/* and other variations, including
> "/var/programname/TST-**-**-**_001.mp3" etc and using every meta data pattern 
> I
> could think of but to no avail.  Obviously I haven't thought of the right one.

If you want to continue using dropboxes, I would suggest trying a
pattern something similar to above, but with fewer "*":


Similar to Linux (and UNIX) shells, a single "*" is a wild card that
matches any number of characters (including zero characters). But I
suspect RDCatch will be more reliable for you (fewer "moving parts").

> I have been using group "voicetracks".
>      So do any of you have thoughts on how to get this set of voice tracks to
> load up through the dropboxes?

I might suggest using a different group name. Though not "hard coded",
it is common for Rivendell to use the "VOICETRACKS" (all caps) group for
its own internal voice track group. I recommend considering a group
specifically for your syndicated voice tracks.

>      Also, I haven't found the error logs for these dropboxes.  Not in 
> rsyslog or
> journalctl or in /var/log/rivendell.  Where should I look next?

Assuming you checked "Log events in syslog", dropboxes are indeed logged
in the system journal, and you *should* be able to see them with a
command like:

     sudo journalctl --unit=rivendell.service

Otherwise, you can log dropbox events to individual files by leaving
that option unchecked and specifying a full path name to a file in a
writable directory (for example: "/var/programname/dropbox.log").

Hope this helps!

   ~David Klann

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