Hey Rob,

On 4/16/21 11:36, you wrote:
> I just got a call from a station in Pennsylvania that upgraded about six
> months ago from Rivendell 2.x to 3.x. Their streaming provider has not
> received any metadata from Rivendell since then, and I'm guessing that
> whoever did the upgrade wasn't aware that RD 3.x handles metadata
> differently than 2.x.
> I asked the guy at the station to contact Securenet Systems, the streaming
> provider, and find out how they receive metadata. But in the meantime, I
> wonder if y'all know if Rivendell includes a module to talk to Securenet,
> as it does to Live365?

My experience with Securenet is that they use Icecast servers, so you
can simply use the Icecast PyPad module for the station.

> Also, where do the configuration files for PyPad modules live?

On a "stock" Rivendell installation, PyPad modules are in
/usr/lib64/rivendell/pypad/ The Icecast module file is
pypad_icecast2.py. But one doesn't really need to know the filesystem
location of these modules in order to use them. Simply point folks at
the station to RDAdmin > Manage Hosts > [hostname] > PyPad Instances. On
touching the Add button, they'll see a list of modules from which to choose.

Hope this helps!

   ~David Klann

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