Hi list... my bad, too much time without using mailing lists, I missed to add the list address on replies... I'm sorry  :-(

I'm forwarding my replies to David Klann, who thankfully replied me, so they can be archived and be public to the list.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Re: [RDD] Local Audio Adapter GPIO: serial not active
Date:   Wed, 5 May 2021 19:32:20 +0200
From:   Alejandro olivan Alvarez <alejandro.olivan.alva...@gmail.com>
To:     David Klann <dxkl...@pm.me>

Hi. Thank you for your help.

I don't know enough about the rivendell ecosystem to guess whether its system-side issue (permissions a good candidate) or some Database issue (bug)

System side, with the exception pf the pypad daemon, it looks to me everything is 'root' driven:

root@rd-terminal-alex:~# ps aux | grep sbin/rd
root       489  3.9  0.7 211456 27884 ?        Ssl  18:07   2:32 /usr/sbin/rdservice root       586  4.9  2.7 211824 103120 ?       SL   18:07   3:11 /usr/sbin/rdcatchd root       587  0.0  0.6 136524 24948 ?        S    18:07   0:00 /usr/sbin/rdpadd pypad      588  4.1  0.7 211196 26376 ?        S    18:07   2:41 /usr/sbin/rdpadengined root       589  4.9  0.9 218348 36488 ?        S    18:07   3:11 /usr/sbin/rdvairplayd root       693  0.0  0.0   6208   888 pts/0    S+   19:12   0:00 grep sbin/rd

Anyways, I checked the existence of the ttyS0 device (although I don't understand why is it checked for a Sound Card based GPIO) and dialout perms:

root@rd-terminal-alex:~# ls -l /dev/ttyS0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 64 May  5 18:07 /dev/ttyS0

root@rd-terminal-alex:~# cat /etc/group | grep dialout

Both look good .... in the meantime, I investigated a little the source code and checked the Database table:

MariaDB [Rivendell]> select * FROM TTYS;
|  1 |       0 | Y      | rd-terminal-alex | /dev/ttyS0 | 115200 |         8 |         1 |      0 |           0 | |  4 |       1 | N      | rd-terminal-alex | /dev/ttyS1 | 9600 |         8 |         1 |      0 |           0 | |  7 |       2 | N      | rd-terminal-alex | /dev/ttyS2 | 9600 |         8 |         1 |      0 |           0 | | 10 |       3 | N      | rd-terminal-alex | /dev/ttyS3 | 9600 |         8 |         1 |      0 |           0 | | 13 |       4 | N      | rd-terminal-alex |            | 9600 |         8 |         1 |      0 |           0 |
6 rows in set (0.000 sec)

So the TTYs are there...  and, if I tick the checkbox to enable the serial port, the ACTIVE field switches Y/N.

Apparently the problem comes as rdedit_matrix.cpp seems to call Active() function of rdtty.cpp , I'm not sure about this...I digged just a little bit more there and ended at GetStringValue(const QString &field) function, which queries de database like this:

MariaDB [Rivendell]> select ACTIVE from TTYS where STATION_NAME="rd-terminal-alex"&&PORT_ID=0;
| Y      |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

If the first Active() call fails, then the QMessageBox with the "The primary serial device is not active!" string is triggered , which I think is what I'm seeing (not really sure, but I bet is this)... why does Active() fails? I don't know ... hopefully I'm missing some obvious system-side detail.

Thank you very very much for your help!

Best regards!

On 5/5/21 6:43 PM, David Klann wrote:
Greetings Alejandro!

On 5/5/21 10:20, you wrote:
Hi list... first mail on the list, hope I performed subscription

Looks like you subscribed correctly!

To the subject: I'm trying to setup a Local Audio Adapter GPIO in RDAdmin.

The problem is that no matter what, I can't proceed since I got a
RDAdmin Error pop-up window stating: "The primary serial device is no

I have tried declaring /dev/ttyS0 (the PC serial port as seen in /dev)
in RDAdmin in Serial Ports just in case.

I don't understand why the form cares about serial not being
active...what am I doing wrong?

Thank you very much in advance.

My first guess is this is a permissions problem.

On my systems "ls -l /dev/ttyS0" looks like this:

crw-rw----. 1 root dialout 4, 64 Apr 9 15:54 /dev/ttyS0

And I know that neither Linux user "rd", nor "rivendell" are in the
"dialout" group. Try this:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout rd

Then log out and back in (or reboot). Please report back if this helps.


~David Klann

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