The audio filename is going to be xxxxxx_001.wav

Artist and Title are stored in MySQL [or MariaDB ]  where [] are allowed in strings.

--set-string-artist=should work with []" <--tested and it does


I just checked this on a copy of the same OS.  If the *source audio filename* has [] brackets in it  rdimport does not work.

I tried with wildcard complete and \[ escapes.

*BUT*  using --set-string-artist= allows [] to be used.

I have tried various bash tricks to no avail.

I would be for changing the filenames using sed to replace [ with  a phrase like 'b4'  and ] with a phrase like 'b8' and using the import script to substitute occurrences in the --set-string-artist="" string. Simple enough to use an if then test like if grep -q artist_part_of_filename 'b4' then replace b4 with a [ in the string being used for artist=""

Or you can get into mysql and do a global replace where b4  and b8 occurs in the title;

Migrating from one library to another can be a challenge. If you have less then 20 you can do them by hand but anything more is a bash proposition or perl or python or whatever rocks your boat!

If you go the MySQL route make a copy of the DB before you attempt any changes.



On 11/07/21 12:59 am, Dave B wrote:
I should also note that the title and outcue (set in the script like --set-string-title="my title") may also contain brackets but that doesn't appear to be a problem. It's only setting a filename with brackets that's problematic.

Using the latest Rivendell version on CentOS 7.

On Jul 10, 2021 6:38 AM, Dave B <> wrote:

    I'm using the full file names because I'm also setting the talk
    and segue markers and scheduler codes, etc via the script. The
    files do contain metadata but for some reason rdimport doesn't
    always read the artist field. I'll try importing some files using
    wildcards in the filespec  (*.flac) and see how that goes.

    On Jul 9, 2021 9:46 PM, Robert Jeffares
    <> wrote:

        Hi Dave,

        have you tried rdimport  [options] [GROUP] *.flac ?

        or is it falling down in the --metadata-pattern='%a - %t.flac'

        Are you using CentOS or something else?

        Do the flac files have metadata?

        From memory [] brackets are not usually a problem



        On 10/07/21 7:03 am, Dave wrote:
        > Hi all,
        > I'm about to use rdimport to import a couple of music
        libraries into
        > Rivendell via a shell script. In testing it works great
        except for the
        > fact rdimport does not like file names containing an open
        bracket ([).
        > For example, if I enter the file name using a double quote
        as "'N Sync
        > - This I Promise You [Radio Edit].flac" it will fail. If I
        use singles
        > quotes and escape the single quote in the file name it also
        > '\''N Sync - This I Promise You [Radio Edit].flac'. I've tried
        > escaping the bracket to no avail. The only way I can import
        > files via rdimport is to rename the file without the
        brackets. I can
        > import files with brackets manually via the rdlibrary
        GUIwith no
        > problem. Any suggestions?
        > Thanks,
        > Dave
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-- Robert Jeffares
        Communication Consultants
        64 Warner Park Avenue
        New Zealand 0604
        +64 9 817 6358

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