On Oct 20, 2021, at 10:05, Andy Higginson <a...@higgles.uk> wrote:

> Do we have any consensus yet as to which of the RHEL derivatives is the best 
> to go for in terms of installing Rivendell 4?  There has been mention of 
> Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux and AlmaLinux.  Are any of these a recommended 
> derivative to use or should we just opt for RHEL?

In theory (heh, heh), they should all work exactly the same as far as Rivendell 
is concerned. That said, I have seen some apparent oddities with kernel module 
compatibility with at least one (RockyLinux). For that reason, as of the latest 
beta build (Beta3), I have gone to generating all RPMs and other binaries on 
real, honest-to-god RHEL 8, which is also now my primary testing environment 
for same.

WRT the “clones”, it’s worth bearing in mind that it’s still pretty early days 
for them; I imagine that all of them are still in the process of shaking down 
various compatibility issues. Compatibility will presumably improve.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
| At the beginning of the week, we sealed ten BSD programmers into a  |
| computer room with a single distribution of BSD Unix. Upon opening  |
| the room after seven days, we found all ten programmers dead,       |
| clutching each others' throats, and thirteen new flavors of BSD.    |
|                                                                     |
|                                                      -- Anonymous   |
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