On Oct 25, 2021, at 11:19, Alejandro olivan Alvarez 
<alejandro.olivan.alva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Regarding Fade-Down, I think this is the easy one: I understand that, 
> whenever you put the mark on, RDAirplay, when reaching the mark, will start 
> unconditionally to fade down, FROM that point, onwards... If that's the case, 
> It's unclear to me to which level the fading down will reach (I asume -40dB , 
> or whatever 'mute' level the machine is at) and how long will take the fading 
> lasts (to the end of the song, linearly, for some amount of predefined time, 
> linearly, etc). The way I imagine fade-down use-case, it is meant to be put 
> close to the end of the song (so I can have a trailing bass drum base faded 
> down)... any hints? Am I very wrong?
> Regarding Fade-Up, I'm quite confused... what is supposed to happen in 
> RDAirplay at this mark? if It will start fading up, to full level (0 db I 
> guess) FROM that point on, what is the level before it? does the presence of 
> such mark imply that everything before the mark gets muted? or, on the 
> contrary, the mark indicates the point where/when full level is reached 
> AT?... and, if so, where in time does the fading up starts? could someone 
> clarify?

The ‘base points’ for FadeUp and FadeDown are the ‘Start’ and ‘End’ markers, 
respectively; with the ‘mute level’ being (rather arbitrarily) defined to be 
-46 dBFS (-30 dB from the “reference level” as shown by Rivendell’s meters. The 
fades (both up and down) are logarithmic, meaning that they should be perceived 
as being “uniform” to the typical human listener.

With all of that said, I’ve found that FadeUp and FadeDown are very seldom used 
at most Rivendell sites. There are a couple of niche cases, but they are quite 
rare. Were I redesigning the cart/cut model from scratch, I would very likely 
drop those two functions entirely.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |
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