Hi list!

From what I've recently learn, audible tones (DTMF tones I've been told, although I recalled DTMF acronym to be telephony related...) in radio networks, due to its simplicity and, more importantly, low cost (drop satellites!) are becoming somehow by paradox (I've been told that for years, DTMF tones where considered a matter of amateur/non-profit/tiny radios... being satellites used for the 'pros') the preferred way to trigger events here (Spain)... Even top-tier, nation-wide radio networks, have switched to audible tones (I had not realized about that, but now, paying attention, I hear them!) and have dropped satellite signaling costs.

This triggered me a question immediatelly: On Windows-based automation systems, DTMF detection uses to be included as a feature, so... how does the Rivendell community users handle this!?!?!?!

Googling around, I've found this: http://wiki.rivendellaudio.org/index.php/How_to_trigger_events_from_tones_on_your_network

Although somehow old, and basically pointing to the usage of a Windows software under Wine, that tells me that the need, the use-case, is there... and has been dealt by someone.

I've also found references for some linux tools, like multimon and multimon-ng, even Node/NPM libraries, being able to detect audio tones under Linux, but not much user-friendly... so:

How do you handle this? What are your approaches to handle DTMF and trigger RMLs... Wouldn't be nice to have RDCatch to be able to 'catch' tones?


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