I'm posting new reply on this thread since, to my joy, as of beta4 commit https://github.com/ElvishArtisan/rivendell/commit/3c4e2bd6d7dda1a730d1d8f6fb6754bb76d1530d released tonight, the whole picture regarding Rivendell/Jackd integration in recent systems may very much change for some of us Jackd fans: Rivendell is coming now with out-of-the-box promiscuous mode support...  yayyyyy!!! :-D

So, it is time now to drop old hackish practices and switch to the intended/ortodox packaged ones for the jackd integration with promiscuous mode, which raises me some questions (at this point, I guess just Fred can answer) about overall how the new picture is:

- Does a rivendell handled jackd instance (defined in RDConfig) automatically run in promiscuous mode for the 'audio' GID? or has to be somehow 'enabled'?

- While regular users are already set as 'audio' members (very clever move selecting audio as the promiscuous GID!), now the package seems to be handling the environment variable part, pointing to the 'audio' GID, but... is it system wide? or does user-space launched applications have to initialize it?

Thank you very much for such a new feature!

Best regards.

On 12/1/21 10:27 AM, Florent Peyraud wrote:
Hi everyone.

I'm trying to streamline the integration of Rivendell 4 on lubuntu or other debian based distros using modern tools such as systemd and DBus. Now, qjackctl and the packages jackd2 uses Dbus to launch jack daemon by default. This provides some cool features, notably the handshaking with pulseaudio in order to release the alsa device from pulse and let jack use it instead, and also the automatic connection of pulseaudio into jack as a client.

The way qjackctl launches jack is by issuing the "/usr/bin/jackdbus auto", then setups and actually starts jack through the DBUS interface with /usr/bin/jack_control

I would like to mimic this behavior in order to make rivendell service (well... caed) start Jack this way with an external scirpt, but it fails when trying to connect jack. The logfile says "Unable to communicate with JACK server". Obviously, the actual jack server may take too much time to launch and it is not ready when caed tries to connect. DBus provides a way to check the status of jack. Maybe just a pause could be sufficient to allow jack to start before trying to connect to it.

Would it be possible to take this way of launching jack through DBus into account so that it can be started at boot time with caed instead of waiting for a user session to begin ?

By the way, I tweaked systemd service for rivendell (sudo systemctl edit rivendell) in order to start the daemons with another user (actually the user who starts the session afterwards to use Rivendell tools) so that I can launch qjackctl or other tools with this user and modify the patching of clients without being forced to connect as root, which is not recommended on ubuntu/debian. Maybe, it could be useful to be able to select the user for each sub-service in rd.conf, and drop privileges while starting rivendell service according to this.

Thanks a lot for your answers/ideas. Take care


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