This is Rivendell Appliance 3.5.0

I wish to use the drop boxes to import syndicated voice tracks which have
the format: thu_AB_h01s01.mp3, thu_AB_h01s01.mp3.1, thu_AB_h01s02.mp3,
thu_h01s02.mp3.1, etc., each day only the day of week varies as mon, tue,
etc.  The tracks are downloaded into /var/adambomb/ each day.

In the dropbox section of RDAdmin, I specify group as VOICETRACK; Path Spec
as  /var/adambomb/*.mp3; Delete cuts before importing is selected; Metadata
Pattern is %ddd_AB_h01s01; and delete the source file when completed is

Unfortunately, that isn't working.  I have other boxes that do work but
they don't vary the prefix but use a date suffix.

What am I overlooking here?
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