I am new to Rivendell and am trying to finish the setup of a machine to run our 
radio station. Each week we have daily programs that we record from a CD and 
move the files into our current automation software (SS32).

In Rivendell, RDCatch seems like to ideal solution for us to automate the 
process and speed up our production work.

I have set up a folder on our new machine called “shows_import”. That will be 
where I want RDCatch to look for the file. I currently have place a file called 
“test1.mp3” in the folder and have RDCatch set to look for the file and place 
it into a Cut in a Cart for departing.

I think I have it set up properly but have been unsuccessful at getting RDCatch 
to do anything with the file. Here are my settings:

Description: Ted Watson->Cut 002
URL: file:///home/rd/shows_import/test1.mp3
User: user  Password: ————
(Although the manual says no user and password are need for file transfer on a 
drive, RDCatch is still requiring me to have a username associated with the 
Destination: 300121_002
Channels: 2
Autotrim, Normalize, Update Library Metadata (selected)
Active Days: Set to whatever day I am testing.

I have successfully downloaded from an FTP site, but can’t seem to make this 
work when grabbing a file on the same computer. This seemed simple enough but 
for whatever reason, I just haven’t had a success with this set up.

Any guidance is appreciated.


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