First off, thanks so much for the response Rob!

I decided to make a completely new machine from scratch and start over and
this lead to some limited success.  I am able to to latch close, open or
pulse any relay on the SRC-4 from macro carts in Rivendell.  I'm using the
"Serial Out" command SO.  The command in my macro cart is SO 0 *0O1RP! The
P is for pulse and it works great.

Unfortunately, I am unable to get Rivendell to respond to inputs from the
SRC-4.  I'm using the command SI 0 050013 *011!.  050013 is a macro cart
with a PN 1! command, 011 on the SRC-4 indicates when relay 01 is closed
and PN is the play next command.  Here's where it gets STRANGE...I swear
this worked last night before I left!  I tested by having a bunch of audio
carts in RD Airplay and every time I closed RLY 1 it would advance to the
next cart. But, since I came in this morning I cannot get it to work
again!  PuTTY shows the *011 coming into the serial port reliably, but
Rivendell just sits there.  Guessing by what appears to be inconsistent
behavior, I'm kinda thinking getting Rivendell to interface with a serial
device is not as straight forward as it appeared.

I appreciate Rob's suggestion!  However, I would now need to go learn how
to write and use these scripts (not something I do everyday) in order to
get this system to respond to serial commands.  Given the time invested
already, I may need to cut my losses.

Question on the table is - does anyone have a script ready made (perhaps
you wrote it to address this same issue) along with instructions on how to
use it?  Additionally, any of you guys care to do it for hire?  I don't
who on this list does freelance work.

Thanks for your time!


> Whenever I have to use a BT switcher that isn't directly supported by
> Rivendell, I write shell scripts to address the switcher and have
> Rivendell macros invoke the scripts via RN [name of script]! I find it
> easier than trying to address the switcher from inside Rivendell.
> Rob
> --
> On Wed, 20 Apr 2022, wrote:
>> Just an update for anyone interested...still banging my head against the
>> wall.  A couple of things though.
>> In the Rivendell Admin I found an "Add Switchers" dialog - there are a
>> number of devices available using a dropdown menu.  I was not able to
>> find
>> the Broadcast Tools SRC-4 listed there but I did notice a selection for
>> a
>> Broadcast Tools SS8.2.  Since I have a few lying around I decided I
>> would
>> play with that...and I found some joy!
>> After consulting some of the documentation, I created a macro cart with
>> the command ST 0 1 1! and it worked.  The switch routed input 1 to
>> output
>> 1.
>> ST = Switch Take
>> 0 = The serial port
>> 1 = Input 1
>> 1 = Output 1
>> ! = Indicates end of command
>> When I looked at what Rivendell was sending with another computer
>> running
>> PuTTY I saw:
>> *0011*002M1*003M1*004M1*005M1*006M1*007M1*008M1
>> I'm not sure what all that means, however the manual for the SS8.2 says
>> that the command to make the switch to input 1 is *0011, I think the
>> rest
>> of the above tells it to mute (the M in the command) the rest of the
>> inputs.  As you can probably tell serial commands are definitely not my
>> specialty.
>> Sadly, I still have not found a way to get Revendell to send the *0OR1L
>> command as described below.  I think I'm close...but frustratingly, not
>> quite there.  Hopefully someone can answer a couple of questions for me:
>> Which device from the Add Switchers dropdown menu I would use to send a
>> simple string like *0OR1L?
>> Which device should I select since the SRC-4 is not listed as an option?
>> I'll try again tomorrow, thanks for listening!
>> Wayne
>>> Good afternoon distinguished Rivendell users!
>>> I have an occasion to implement 4 GPI/O using a Broadcast Tools SRC-4
>>> with
>>> Rivendell 2.19.3 running on CentOS 7.  The connection is via an
>>> on-board
>>> serial DB9 port.
>>> Rivendell needs to send serial to the SRC-4, for example:
>>> *0OR1L (to latch relay 1 closed)
>>> *0OR1F (to open relay 1)
>>> Rivendell would be "listening for serial date like:
>>> *011 (input 1 closed)
>>> *010 (input 1 open)
>>> You get the idea...anyway I'm looking for tips, tricks, documentation,
>>> pitfalls to watch out on this project.
>>> So far, I've managed to get the computer working with the SRC-4, and
>>> can
>>> get data from it and I've been able to close/open relays on it using
>>> PuTTY, but I haven't been able to get Rivendell to talk to it yet.
>>> Any help you care to offer is greatly appreciated.  Thank you for your
>>> time and expertise.
>>> Best,
>>> Wayne
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