On Apr 23, 2022, at 07:17, Peter Claes <pcl...@cls-bvba.com> wrote:

> Is there a way for me to start a 'Cart Data Dump (CSV)' from the command line 
> ? 
> I did man rdlibrary, but it seems not possible via there.

Not supported at present. One of the things the would make it slightly tricky 
to do is be the fact that the contents of a given support are determined by the 
set of carts returned by the current search criteria. I suppose a way to 
specify those via command line could found.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

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