
Le 29/04/2022 à 18:26, Fred Gleason a écrit :
On Apr 29, 2022, at 11:35, Joe Panarello <j...@systemsciences.com> wrote:

In this vain, Is there any virtual sound card software that will work with
Rivendell? I'm fairly sure that there is not any DANTE support for CENTOS
(LINUX) at this moment.

Axia Livewire is the only one that comes to mind right now (which Paravel sells as an add-on).

I'm currently testing a wheatnet IP driver for Linux. I think it's in beta version right now.

It is functional with Jack as an interface between Rivendell and the alsa loopback device used by the driver. It was quite unstable during my tests.

I had the opportunity to test it with a Wheatstone Blade V3.

I really look forward some stabilization on the driver because the complete wheatnet IP is promising.

I also plan to test open source AES67 drivers, but it relies on a very precise PTP network clock source I don't have.

Best Regards


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