On Mon, 22 Aug 2022, chris cottingham wrote:

Will rdimport traverse sub folders? Do I need to have all the audio I want to import in the root of the import folder?

It will not look in subfolders.

I wrote a Perl script to manage my Rivendell imports. I did so because 1) I want to keep a log of all uploads and what happens to them; and 2) I want unimportable files moved into /home/rd/dropbox/bad.

Upload folders are set up in /home/rd/dropbox; each has the name of a corresponding Rivendell group, e.g. /home/rd/dropbox/NEWS, /home/rd/dropbox/SPOTS, etc. In addition, there is a /home/rd/dropbox/bad and a /home/rd/dropbox/[call letters]; these are not scanned by the script. The [call letters] folder has subfolders "traffic", "music", and "aired" and is used for daily logs; depending on the station, there may be additional subfolders. Nothing in the bad or [call letters] folders are scanned by the script.

The script will normally assign any file it finds to a new cart; however, if the file's name is a cart number, it will be imported into that cart, wiping out any existing cuts.

If the file's name is a cart number followed by a letter (e.g. "4101a.wav"), it will be imported into the cart as an additional cut, leaving in place any cuts already in the cart.

This makes it easy to import an entire rotation at once; for instance, carts uploaded as 4109.mp3, 4109a.mp3, 4109b.mp3, and 4109c.mp3 will be imported in that order, the first one wiping out any previous cuts in the cart and the others being imported as additional cuts after it. This is a big time saver.

If Enforce Cart Range is selected for a group and a file is uploaded with a number not eligible for the group, the import will fail and the file will go into bad. This is to prevent someone overwriting, say, a song with a newscast. I also don't have upload folders in /home/rd/dropbox for groups that don't need them.

I take precautions to insure only authorized uploads are allowed.

If anyone is interested, I'll be happy to post the script.


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