On Sat, 23 Feb 2013 16:46:37 +0100 "Xavier Guillot" 
<valeryan...@laposte.net> wrote:
>First thanks for your work on RKHunter: since Chkrootkit seems no 
>developed, RKH is the only opensource anti-rootkit software 
available on 
>Linux and still active.

You're right Chkrootkit doesn't seem to be actively developed. 
Strictly speaking RKH isn't the only tool around that inspects a 
system for symptoms of rootkits and malware though: OSSEC-HIDS has 
a rootkit-checking component (don't know the state development of 
that component is in though: diff commits?) and at the other end of 
the spectrum Samhain comes with a LKM to inspect certain kernel 

>I am wondering if there will be soon a new version of RKHunter, as 
>Unhide has made some changes recently:

Thanks to John those changes were committed to CVS 
(http://rkhunter.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/rkhunter/?view=tar) the 
week Jesus announced his changes.

>And if yes, will it include signatures of new malwares discovered, 
like the SSHd Spam Exploit / libkeyutils.so.1.9 ?

I updated RKH in CVS on the 16th and posted about the issue: 
clamav-sig-for-lib64-libkeyutils-so-1-9-contents-35316/. Also see 
Note this doesn't include the CalmAV sig as we haven't discussed 
offering it / using ClamAV as part of RKH.

You can point to me for not having released a new version of RKH 
yet, though the CVS version should be usable until then.


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