
Actually, that was the third line. That explains why it seemed to try twice
and then go!

I just keep getting this message:

Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
  unable to load shared object
  dlopen(/Users/abatty/.rkward/library/nlme/libs/, 6): Library
not loaded: 
  Referenced from: /Users/abatty/.rkward/library/nlme/libs/
  Reason: image not found
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
  unable to load shared object
  dlopen(/Users/abatty/.rkward/library/nlme/libs/, 6): Library
not loaded: 
  Referenced from: /Users/abatty/.rkward/library/nlme/libs/
  Reason: image not found
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "ezANOVA"

I don't really know what else can be done... If it were only one machine,
I'd have some hope, but it's all three machines, two OSes, two versions of
RKWard, two versions of R (now)... Whatever is wrong is really wrong.

Every time I try to run an ANOVA, it gives me a window that says this:

The R-backend has indicated that in order to carry out the current task it
needs the package 'ez', which is not currently installed. We will open the
package-management tool, and there you can try to locate and install the
needed package.

—But it is actually installed.

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 7:55 PM, meik michalke <> wrote:

> Am Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2016, 19:43:39 schrieb Aaron Batty:
> > Warning: unable to access index for repository
> >
> >   cannot open URL '
> > Warning: unable to access index for repository
> >
> >   cannot open URL '
> ist not working any more since we moved to KDE. is
> this
> perhaps causing a problem with the package update process?
> open settings -> configure RKWard -> R packages
> in the list of supported libraries, replace ""; with
> "";. then try the upgrades again.
> viele grüße :: m.eik
> --
>   dipl. psych. meik michalke
>   institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
>   abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
>   heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf

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