
am Montag, 27. Juli 2009 (17:30) schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> I've commited this to SVN with some changes.


> > make doesn't have too elaborate arithmetic features (e.g. "greater than"
> > conditions...), does it?
> In fact, make really isn't well suited for this.

yee, i found a native implementation of "greater than" for makefiles somewhere 
(it involved translating the numbers into a series of "x" strings for 
comparison; very creative, but it read like "learn how to fly by flopping your 
ears" :-D).

> I like your solution with awk.

thanks, glad it helps.

> I removed the check for R >= 2.7, again. That should be specified in
> debian/control, instead (and it is, now).

you're right. at least i learned some interesting awk stuff in the process ;-)

> This appears to work (at least the ubuntu 8.04 patch is not applied, here),

fine; i was hoping so, because it worked with different ubuntu versions, but 
you never know... (you can change the condition to test how it would turn out 
if the patch was applied -- the "clean" rule safely removes the patch again 
from the sources, nothing to worry about)

> I'm wondering, whether this could be written in more readable way, without
> using additional make targets for this (but instead just setting a list of
> patches to apply).

there is a slightly less invasive method (to include dpatch.make in the rules 
file), actually i was using that before. the downside seems to be that you can 
decide only between applying all patches or none -- at least i didn't manage 
to prevent dpatch.make from calling "dpatch apply-all". well, with only the 
one potential patch available that would suffice, of course. i was just 
looking for a very general and flexible method to include particular patches.

so i traded two new make targets for full flexibility. imho, it's even easier 
to read with its own targets, you know where to look. but perhaps you have 
something better in mind.

> Any reason why you reverted "dh_prep" to "dh_clean -k"?

ups, no, i didn't do that on purpose. that must be a relict from an earlier 
rules file where i started off.

btw my test suite is progressing, it works fine to save some results in a list 

viele grüße :: m.eik

dipl. psych. meik michalke
institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
heinrich-heine-universit"at d"usseldorf

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