
am Donnerstag 01 September 2011 (12:30) schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> I must admit, I don't find this more convenient than editing XML, directly,

and i must admit that in some cases it doesn't even save a lot of typing...

> but tastes differ, so why not.

yes, i from my perspective can work much faster this way. i don't mind writing 
XML as well, but i'm more convenient to have an R function to do it for me. 
maybe some others feel the same, who would like to contribute but are scared 
off when they see they have to learn the XML tags and attributes first (and 
perhaps never wrote XML before). this is still true for the javascript file, 
but i'll try to work on common cases for that one, too. for instance, you can 
assume that every varaible in the dialog will be used in the JS file at some 
point, so they could all be added there automatically as well. the same way 
you could have an automatic help file outlined -- then it really starts to 
save time, typing and looking up in docs ;-)

> Why don't you place them next to the "rkward" and "rkwardtest" packages in
> SVN (perhaps as "rkwarddev")? We can still wait for them to mature some more
> (if necessary), before we add them to the installation
> (rpackage_install.cmake.in).

fine, i'll do that. the dependency should be taken care of somehow, though. or 
does RKWard draw in other packages at installation time anyway?

viele grüße :: m.eik

dipl. psych. meik michalke
institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf

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