
On Thursday 08 September 2011, meik michalke wrote:
> i would suggest using roxygen from here on, because it's harder to forget
> to update the docs if they're in the same file, and it automatically does
> some checking. i used Rd2roxygen to initially convert the existing docs.
> it's rather pointless to repeat that agein and again ;-)

yes, fully agreed. I was looking into how "roxygenization" would be added to 
our maintainance scripts, but while testing, I stumbled across some things 
that made me wonder. One thing is that rk.record.plot-docs apparently got 
missing in the conversion (I hope these were the only ones).

Another thing that I just noted is that the generated pages appear to lack a 
"usage" section, which is pretty confusing, esp. on pages listing multiple 

Also there may be some more subtle issues. For instance, on the roxygenized 
variant of the rk.misc-page, the "Details" for rk.rename.in.container() have 
moved into the "Description"-section for the whole page.

Is there anything we can do about those issues?

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