Sunt de acord, dar mai sunt si alte chestii minore cum ar fi GPL la mijloc:

Some in the open-source community find aspects of the deal troubling,
however. Eben Moglen, the attorney for the Free Software Foundation
that created and oversees the General Public License (GPL), said that
it could conflict with a provision in that license.

"If you make an agreement which requires you to pay a royalty to
anybody for the right to distribute GPL software, you may not
distribute it under the GPL," Moglen told CNET on Thursday.
Section 7 of the GPL "requires that you have, and pass along to
everybody, the right to distribute software freely and without
additional permission."

Si chestia cea mai infricosatoare e ca practic vendorul numarul 2 de
linux sau servicii de suport linux se arata clar de partea patentelor
software. daca mai punem si faptul ca din ianuarie Germani are
presedintia UE eu zic ca prin martie (hai, cel mai tarziu aprilie) o
punem de o legistatie comunitara pro software patents.


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