On Thu, 2008-07-24 at 22:56 +0300, gogu georgel wrote:
> Pe mine ma intereseaza reverse-ul pe serverul de email care este pe
> alt server decat cel de gw. Problema este ca  nu reusesc sa fac
> reverse pe adresa mail.domeniu.ro. Cred ca am gresit ceva, dar nu-mi
> dau seama ce.
> 2008/7/24 Petru Ratiu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Scuze pt. mailul anterior. Care e exact problema, ca pare in regula?
> >
> >
> >
> > On 24/07/2008, gogu georgel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Salut,
> >> E primul meu email pe aceasta lista..
> >> Vreau sa va intreb cum se face un reverese dns corect.
> >> Acum am urmatoarea configurare
> >> named.conf
> >> options {
> >>         directory "/var/bind";
> >>         pid-file "/var/run/named/named.pid";
> >> };
> >>
> >> zone "." IN {
> >>         type hint;
> >>         file "named.ca";
> >> };
> >>
> >> zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
> >>      type master;
> >>      file "/var/bind/pri/named.local";
> >> };
> >> zone "domeniu.ro" {
> >>      type master;
> >>      file "/var/bind/pri/domeniu.ro";
> >> };
> >> zone "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
> >>      type master;
> >>      file "/var/bind/pri/0.168.192.in-addr.arpa";
> >> };
> >>
> >>
> >> named.local
> >>
> >>
> >> @       IN      SOA      localhost.       root.localhost.    (
> >> 20081
> >> 28800
> >> 14400
> >> 3600000
> >> 86400   )
> >>       IN    NS    localhost.
> >> 1     IN    PTR   localhost.
> >>
> >> domeniu.ro
> >> $TTL 86400
> >> @   IN  SOA  ns.domeniu.ro.       root.domeniu.ro.    (
> >>                               20081
> >>                               21600
> >>                               1800
> >>                               604800
> >>                               900)
> >>                        IN   NS       ns.domeniu.ro.
> >>                           MX  10   mail.domeniu.ro.
> >>         60     IN      A
> >> ftp            IN        A       81.x.y.z
> >> mail         IN        A       81.x.y.z
> >> www        IN        A        81.x.y.z
> >> ns           IN        A        81.x.y.z
> >>

Rezultatul e ca DACA ai in /etc/resolv.conf linia

nameserver 81.x.y.z

SAU 81.x.y.z e NS inregistrat la LIR pentru domeniu.ro ($ whois
domeniu.ro), atunci:

$ host {ftp,mail,www,ns}.domeniu.ro
{ftp,mail,www,ns}.domeniu.ro has address 81.x.y.z

$ host 60.domeniu.ro
60.domeniu.ro has address

$ host -t mx domeniu.ro
domeniu.ro mail is handled by 10 mail.domeniu.ro

> >> 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa
> >>
> >> $TTL       86400
> >> $ORIGIN 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa.
> >> @   SOA    ns.domeniu.ro.         root.domeniu.ro.    (
> >> 20081
> >> 21600
> >> 1800
> >> 604800
> >> 900  )
> >> 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa.                NS    ns.domeniu.ro.
> >> 3              PTR    mail.domeniu.ro.
> >> 5              PTR    ftp.domeniu.ro.

Rezultatul e ca DACA ai in /etc/resolv.conf linia

nameserver 81.x.y.z (sau ip-ul din 192.168.0)


$ host domain name pointer mail.domeniu.ro

$ host domain name pointer ftp.domeniu.ro

> >> Ma intereseaza reverse pentru dns in special.

Nu e clar ce-ti doresti, dar banuiesc ca vrei ca adresa (ip) a
ns.domain.ro sa se rezolve in (numele) ns.domain.ro, adica:

$ host 81.x.y.z
z.y.x.81.in-addr.arpa domain name pointer ns.domeniu.ro

Am banuit bine?

> >> Va multumesc
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> RLUG mailing list
> >> RLUG@lists.lug.ro
> >> http://lists.lug.ro/mailman/listinfo/rlug
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> >  "Unix was written to play Spacewar and cheat at Scrabble,
> >   but Linux was created merely to prove that it booted." - a.s.r. quote
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > RLUG mailing list
> > RLUG@lists.lug.ro
> > http://lists.lug.ro/mailman/listinfo/rlug
> >
> _______________________________________________
> RLUG mailing list
> RLUG@lists.lug.ro
> http://lists.lug.ro/mailman/listinfo/rlug

Alexandru Cristea

RLUG mailing list

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