+++ Ionut Vancea [19/03/09 02:18 -0700]:


--- On Thu, 3/19/09, Dan <d...@ineton.ro> wrote:

From: Dan <d...@ineton.ro>
Subject: [rlug] memory leak
To: "'Romanian Linux Users Group'" <rlug@lists.lug.ro>
Date: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 10:02 AM
Am un centos 5.2(x32 cu kernel PAE)
pe un server cu 6Gb de memorie...si din pacate vad doar vreo
200Mb liberi (totusi fara vreo problema de performanta
deocamdata). Problema este ca nu vad (nu are) ce proces sa
consume atata memorie
Top ordonat dupa memorie zice:

aseara cand l-am pornit..erau aceleasi procese si "doar "
5.2Gb liberi...:))
Cum gasesc si eu memoria lipsa:)?..sau

"That is how linux is. It will use most available memory for file cache buffers"

"As long as there is free memory, it will continue to cache what it has read 
from the disks. I almost never have any free memory as inidicate in the free column 
in the output from free(1).
On the other hand, it doesn't hurt. If a program needs more memory, the kernel 
just discards an old cache page and maps it the the program's process, and 
while it has the information cached, it doesn't need to re-read it from the 
disk it was first fetched from, so it makes disk access a lot faster.
To find out how much RAM is available to your programs, take the value in the "cached" and 
"buffers" columns and subtract their sum from the "used" column."


mie unuia "how much RAM is available to your programs" imi suna prost
cind rezultatul este de fapt "cit RAM este ocupat de procese"

mai bine spunem ca de fapt voia sa se uite in output-ul comenzii 'free'
care afiseaza pe linia "-/+ buffers/cache:" cit RAM e used/free by/for
procese. si atunci vedea ca are cam tot atit free cit avea si aseara.


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