andy.rlug wrote:
> Hello rlug,
>   cum fac backup la mbr cu dd?
>   am asa: hda1 primara
>           hda2 extinsa cu hda5-hda12 logice
>           hda3 primara
>           hda4 priamra
> pai vreau sa fac backup la mbr, la mbr-ul fiecarei aprtitii si la
> mbr-ul hda2 care este extinsa( sa tina minte tabela de paritii logice)
> si cum restaurez backup-up

man sfdisk
  -d     Dump  the  partitions of a device in a format useful as input to

man fdisk
-l     List  the  partition  tables  for the specified devices and then

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--- Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle

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