> [http://www.hastingsresearch.com/net/06-anti-thesaurus.shtml] is a
> for a meta-tag to tell search engines to ignore certain
> words on a page when scoring relevancy.  Among other things, it mentions
> robots.txt as problematic:

This is a bit ill-thought-out.  It's not the words so much as the phrases
that are the problem.  And the "problem phrases" will only come out after
the page has been indexed, only on some search engines, and maybe not for
many months after indexing has taken place.  If you could predict the
problem phrases in advance, you could also re-arrange the page so that they
would not be problem phrases!

On an agent theme, has anybody defined a null agent - i.e. a known agent
name to describe an agent about which you know nothing.  It would be useful
to be able to ask a server "What would you give an agent you knew nothing
about?" without having to make up an agent name.  Something like NullBot or
FooBot would be a good generic name.

And, just to squeeze another one in, is anybody doing any work on defining
agent capabilities in the HTTP request header?

Alan Perkins, Chief Technology Officer
e-Brand Management Limited

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