Any idea how widespread the use of this library is? We've observed some
weird behaviors from some of the major search engines' spiders (basically
ignoring robots.txt sections) - maybe this is the explanation?

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"Remember that there are no bugs, only undocumented features."

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
vegne af Sean M. Burke
Sendt: 14. marts 2002 11:08
Emne: [Robots] matching and "UserAgent:" in robots.txt

I'm a bit perplexed over whether the current Perl library WWW::RobotRules 
implements a certain part of the Robots Exclusion Standard correctly.  So 
forgive me if this seems a simple question, but my reading of the Robots 
Exclusion Standard hasn't really cleared it up in my mind yet.

Basically the current WWW::RobotRules logic is this:
As a WWW:::RobotRules object is parsing the lines in the robots.txt file, 
if it sees a line that says "User-Agent:", it extracts the foo, 
and if the name of the current user-agent is a substring of "", 
then it considers this line as applying to it.

So if the agent being modeled is called "Banjo", and the robots.txt line 
being parsed says "User-Agent: Thing, Woozle, Banjo, Stuff", then the 
library says "OK, 'Banjo' is a substring in 'Thing, Woozle, Banjo, Stuff', 
so this rule is talking to me!"

However, the substring matching currently goes only one way.  So if the 
user-agent object is called "Banjo/1.1 [ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]]" and the robots.txt line being parsed says "User-Agent: 
Thing, Woozle, Banjo, Stuff", then the library says "'Banjo/1.1 
[ [EMAIL PROTECTED]]' is NOT a substring of 
'Thing, Woozle, Banjo, Stuff', so this rule is NOT talking to me!"

I have the feeling that that's not right -- notably because that means that 
every robot ID string has to appear in toto on the "User-Agent" robots.txt 
line, which is clearly a bad thing.
But before I submit a patch, I'm tempted to ask... what /is/ the proper 

Maybe shave the current user-agent's name at the first slash or space 
(getting just "Banjo"), and then seeing if /that/ is a substring of a given 
robots.txt "User-Agent:" line?

Sean M. Burke    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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