--On March 26, 2006 7:25:42 AM -0800 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Googlebot and msnbot are supposed to obey robots.txt, but they are ignoring
> my robots.txt ( http://simpy.com/robots.txt ), that contains:
> User-agent: *
> Disallow: /simpy/
> User-agent: Googlebot
> Disallow: /rss/

You need to fix your robots.txt. Googlebot is dong the right thing.

Your robots.txt file tells Googlebot to stay away from /rss/, but it
does not say anything about /simpy/ (for Googlebot). Here is the spec
text about the meaning of "User-agent: *".

   If the value is '*', the record describes the default access policy
   for any robot that has not matched any of the other records.

In other words, the disallows following "User-agent:" are the entire
policy for one robot. The robot does not merge every matching block.
Under "User-agent: Googlebot" you must add all disallows for that bot.

If you want all robots to stay out of /simpy/, you must add that as a
Disallow line to every block.

Think of it like a switch statement. "User-agent: *" is the default label.
It wouldn't hurt to put that last in the file, just in case some lazy bot
takes the first match.

Walter Underwood
Principal Software Architect, Autonomy
Robots mailing list

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