My 79-year-young father has come up with the PERFECT solution to airport security.  It is so basic, he is amazed that no one has yet proposed it.  It is so simple, that it takes only three words to propose and implement.  And, those three words are:


No more removing your shoes ... no more embarassing pat-downs ... everyone is the same state of undress!  Everyone is treated exactly the same!  No burquas ... no khaki shorts ... no head scarfs ... no shoe bombs ... no thongs ... you get the picture.

Men may have one carry-on, which must be below their waistline, about hip level.  Women are allowed two carry-ons, which must be above their waistline and about armpit level.  All other luggage must be checked through.

This would give an entirely new meaning to the words, "Fly The Friendly Skies" !!!
~~ Suz-Q ~~

PS:  Muslim men should pray to fly with 40 virgins.  American men should pray to fly with 40 Playmates.  Not sure who Muslim women would pray to fly with ... but American women would certainly appreciate flying with 40 Chippendale dancers!

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