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Hello, world!

This is Simon Cozens, managing editor of www.perl.com, here to
bring you the week's news and developments both in the Perl world
and on our own site.

* Perl at large.

First things first: congratulations are due to O'Reilly editor and
Perl author, programmer and developer extraordinaire, Nathan
Torkington, who (presumably with some involvement from his wife,
Jenine) is now the proud father of William *and* Aurelia Rose
Torkington, 8lb 1oz, 21 inches and two days old. Wow.

IBM DeveloperWorks is a fantastic source of Linux and Open Source
articles, and while browsing recently I found this one. It's all
about how to use Perl to read in and write out Excel spreadsheet
files. If you have to deal with Office applications, check it out:


Ask Bjorn Hansen, the man you should thank every time you get mail
from a perl.org list, has this week started a petition to ask Apple
to release Perl bindings to their Cocoa application framework library
for OS X.  If you'd be interested in developing applications for
OS X in Perl, you'd better sign up now:


I didn't know whether this was intended to be filed in the "and
finally..." joke bin, but that's where it ended up: according to
silicon.com, Perl is going to make Microsoft .NET insecure. I think
they might have got that one the wrong way around:


* What's new on perl.com

Ahbijit Menon-Sen and Artur Bergman are still in the process of
preparing a perl5-porters summary for you, which we hope to be able
to bring you shortly.

However, at long last, we present Larry's Third Apocalypse, which
deals with the operator semantics for Perl 6. As you might expect,
the majority of them have remained unchanged from Perl 5, but there
are some interesting surprises. And, of course, you'll have to read
on to see what the concatenation operator is going to look like...


An Exegesis will follow on Friday.


*** Featured Articles ***

Apocalypse 3: Operators
Larry Wall brings us the next installment in the unfolding of
Perl 6's design.



Asymmetric Cryptography in Perl
Last month, we had an article from Abhijit Menon-Sen about
symmetric cryptography; this month, Vipul and Benjamin take us on
a tour of its more advanced cousin, asymmetric cryptography. This
introductory article is the first in a three-part series.



Parrot : Some Assembly Required
Last week, the first version of the Parrot assembler and virtual
machine was released; since then, we've seen a flurry of activity
and patches to it. Simon Cozens tells us all about what Parrot is,
how it relates to Perl 6, how to write in Parrot assembler, and
how to get involved in developing and improving Parrot.



wxPerl: Another GUI for Perl
Jouke Visse brings us a new tutorial on how to use wxPerl to create
good-looking GUIs for Perl programs.


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