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Hello, world! This is Simon Cozens, managing editor,
bringing you the latest goings on from the world of Perl and our
own site.

* Perl at large.

After many months of betas, MacPerl 5.6.1 has been released! In
what maintainer Chris Nandor proudly calls "the most advanced
release of Perl ever", we now have much better POSIX support in
the form of a rewritten GUSI library, a brand new version of
Shuck, a whole bunch of modules bringing it up to date not just
with 5.6.1 but also on track with 5.8.x, and a slew of new and
improved Mac-specific modules.  Remember that this is the Classic
Mac Perl; OS X users should use Unix Perl as normal.

Didn't get back issues of the Perl Journal? Not to worry! O'Reilly
is publishing the best articles from the Perl Journal in a series
called, unsurprisingly, Best Of The Perl Journal. The first
edition is due out in May, and focuses on Computer Science & Perl

And speaking of Perl magazines, there's a new issue of the Perl
Review out; this one features articles from Sharon Hopkins on
Perl poetry, Jeff Bay's Perl one-liners tutorial, some notes from
Dan Sugalski on Parrot, and other articles.

* What's new on

Once again, Bryan Warnock brings us coverage of the Perl 6 and
Parrot effort. This week, wrangling over what printf should be
like; an assembler design document; a question on multi-method
despatch; and the road to Parrot 0.0.4

AxKit is an example of really pushing the Perl envelope; it's a
mod_perl application for dynamic transformation of XML inside
the web server.  I've seen it used very effectively to serve up
web sites with the content completely written in XML, to style
the output, choose between HTML, PDF and other output formats, to
degrade depending on browser, and so on.  Barrie Slaymaker begins
a series of articles on how to get the best of AxKit by explaining
how to go about setting it up and serving up some simple XML files.



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*** Featured Articles ***

Introducing AxKit
This is the first in the series of articles by Barrie Slaymaker
on setting up and running AxKit. AxKit is a mod_perl application
for dynamically transforming XML. In this first article, we focus
on getting started with AxKit.


Stopping Spam with SpamAssassin
SpamAssassin and Vipul's Razor are two Perl-based tools that can
be used to dramatically reduce the number of junk emails you need
to see.


Why mod_perl?
In the first of a series of articles from mod_perl guru, Stas
Bekman, we begin by taking a look at what mod_perl is and what
it can do for us.


Preventing Cross-site Scripting Attacks
Paul Lindner, author of the mod_perl Cookbook, explains how to
secure our sites against Cross-Site Scripting attacks using
mod_perl and Apache::TaintRequest.

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