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All you need to know.

Hello, world! This is Simon Cozens, managing editor,
bringing you the latest goings on from the world of Perl and our
own site.

* Perl at large.

Last week's problems with SOAP::Lite have been cured by the latest
release, 0.55. If you're running anything less, you need to upgrade.
In other SOAP news, Google have released an API to their search
engine.  You need to register to get a key for non-commercial use.

Speaking of new releases, Parrot 0.0.5 is out. This fixes a
shedload of bugs in the garbage collection code, and much
improved aggregate support, as well as the usual plethora of

And finally, a Unix desktop environment written in Perl? Oh yes.

* What's new on

This week's article is another in our series from Barrie Slaymaker
on using the AxKit XML application server. This time, we look at
how we can extend AxKit using our own XML tags backed up with
logic in Perl. XSP (Extensible Server Pages) is a way of having
XML tags fire off procedures in Perl and other languages, and
insert the results into the XML document. Barrie teaches us how
to write our own tag libraries (taglibs) in Perl and have AxKit
process them into our output.



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*** Featured Articles ***

XSP, Taglibs and Pipelines
In this month's AxKit article, Barrie explains what a "taglib" is,
and how to use them to create dynamic pages inside of AxKit.


Perl and XML on the Command Line
In this month's Perl and XML column, Kip Hampton explores how the
desperate Perl hacker can use its XML tools on the command line.


Installing mod_perl without superuser privileges
In his continuing series on mod_perl, Stas Bekman explains how to
install a mod_perl-ized Apache on a server even if you don't have
root privileges.


Exegesis 4
What does the fourth apocalypse really mean to you? A4 explained
what control structures would look like in Perl 6; Damian Conway
expands on those ideas and presents a complete view of the Perl 6
control flow mechanism.


For many years the module has helped people install Perl
modules. But it's also been clunky, fragile and amazingly difficult
to use programmatically. Jos Boumans introduces CPANPLUS, his
project to change all that.

New Report from O'Reilly Research:  Planning for Web Services

Planning for Web Services is a new report from O'Reilly Research
by industry visionary Clay Shirky. This report guides CTOs and CIOs
through the inflated claims, competing standards, and amalgam of
acronyms to arrive at a realistic appraisal of the business impact
of Web Services. $495  Save $100! Use or mention code wsrojen

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