        The Email for Subscribers

The 4th O'Reilly Open Source Convention, July 22-26, 2002
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina

The Perl Conference 6  -- You cannot afford to miss this conference
if you want to sharpen your Perl skills, mingle with the elite of
the Perl community, and learn all about Parrot and the state of
Perl 6! Featuring Larry Wall, Damian Conway, Slomo Mellmann, and
many more!

Hello, world! This is Simon Cozens, managing editor,
bringing you the latest goings on from the world of Perl and our
own site.

* Perl at large.

The big news this time is the Yet Another Perl Conference
that took place in St. Louis last week. It began with one
mind-blowing talk, as Larry Wall expounded the values of hackerdom
in Middle Earth, ended with another, Damian Conway expanding the
very fabric of space and time; and, naturally, there were a bunch
of very good talks in the middle. A huge and heartfelt thanks to
Sarah, Ben and the rest of the organising team, and don't forget
to take a look at the pictures, recordings and videos of the
conference from the site.

Also at the conference, it was announced that Damian's term of
sponsorship by the Perl Foundation had come to an end, and that
there isn't enough money in the kitty to continue both Dan's and
Larry's sponsorships for much longer. Hence, Dan will also return
to real life at the end of the month, leaving the rest of the cash
for funding Larry and to hire a professional fundraiser. If you
want to help the Perl Foundation, please donate!

Vote early, vote often! The nominations for the ActiveState
programmer awards have been announced, and in the Perl camp there's
Michael Schwern, Matt Sergeant, Michael Peppler, Damian Conway and
Bill Luebkert. Unfortunately, you currently have to vote for
programmers in all categories, meaning you have to choose a favourite
Tcl, Python, PHP and XSLT programmer too. Which is fine if you happen
to have one.

* What's new on

Good news! The Perl 6 Summary returns this week with a report from
Piers Cawley on the week's goings-on on the perl6-language and
perl6-internals mailing lists. Join him for news of parsers, XS
support, and more on the Perl Foundation.

Barrie Slaymaker continues his exploration of AxKit, Matt Sergeant
(see above)'s XML application server. This week, we look at the
creation of custom taglibs using the TaglibHelper and SimpleTaglib


Simon Cozens
Managing Editor,

New Report from O'Reilly Research:  Planning for Web Services

Planning for Web Services is a new report from O'Reilly Research
by industry visionary Clay Shirky. This report guides CTOs and CIOs
through the inflated claims, competing standards, and amalgam of
acronyms to arrive at a realistic appraisal of the business impact
of Web Services. $495  Save $100! Use or mention code wsrpen.

*** Featured Articles ***

Continuing our look at AxKit tag libraries, Barrie explains the
use of SimpleTaglib and LogicSheets.


This week on Perl 6 (24-30 June 2002)
Processes, iterators, fun with the Perl 6 grammar and more...


Synopsis 5
Confused by the last Apocalypse? Allison Randal and Damian Conway
explain the changes in a more succinct form.


Improving mod_perl Sites' Performance: Part 2
Before making any optimizations to mod_perl applications, it's
important to know what you need to be optimizing. Benchmarks are
key to this, and Stas Beckman introduces the important tools for
mod_perl benchmarking.


PDF Presentations Using AxPoint
In this month's Perl and XML column on, Kip Hampton
describes AxPoint, a way to create presentations in PDF using Perl
and XML.

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