[IDC]Dragon wrote:
The sim used to be able to be built in MSDev, but not anymore.
Did something break compatibility or was it just not maintained?  I'm
happy to update an old project if there is one.

It was me who once made the MSDev6 project for Rockbox. It's ages old, prior
to the plugin system. It was in parallel to the make files, ignoring these.
So any change had to be merged manually in there, too.
And that's how it became unmaintained.
If you really insist, I can look for the remains, but dont complain, you
have been warned.  ;-)
Debugging was a breeze with it, though...  sigh

The project is still available in cvs: http://www.rockbox.org/viewcvs.cgi/uisimulator/win32/rockbox.dsp

I agree, debugging was so much easier with it. Having to merge changes manually was a little annoying but manageable. Unfortunately, it broke completely when we moved to the common file i/o for all the simulators because of conflicts with the win32 header files and everyone stopped supporting it.


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