Rockbox 3.0 - codename Mayday

Feature freeze: 0:00 CET, Mon 3rd April 2006

* No new features will be accepted into CVS for a period of four weeks from this date. * Commits limited to bugfixes related to the functionality detailed below.

Proposed Release date: 1st May 2006

Supported Platforms

The functionality below should work (or be unimplementable) on all targets below.

   * Archos Player, Recorder, Recorder v2, Recorder FM, Ondio
   * iRiver H1xx, H3xx

Release critical features

The freeze will be extended if necessary until the following are fully implemented/

* Core functionality (everything that worked in Rockbox 2.5) (Please report missing functionality for supported platforms in the bug tracker.)
   * iRiver power consumption issues
* Disable Tag DB / runtime DB and replace with tagcache (runtime DB / song ratings not included in this release)
   * Software codec / EQ
   * Remote support for iRiver
   * All WPS/UI functionality currently in CVS
   * Voice Support

Other goals for release

   * No open bugs on supported platforms
   * Manual 3.0
   * Bootloader release
   * Doom plugin
* Light (striped down themes, fonts, WPSes. etc) and full zip files available for download
   * Support for platform specific versions of themes

Rockbox 3.1 - codename Fireworks

Approximate release date: November 2006

Supported Platforms

   * Archos Player, Recorder, Recorder v2, Recorder FM, Ondio
   * iRiver H1xx, H3xx
   * iPod 4g, 5g, Nano
   * iAudio X5

Proposed new features:

   * Runtime DB
   * Album art
   * Viewports in WPS
   * One image file WPSes (using tar files)
* Platform independent architecture improvements to facilitate porting to new platforms o New /platform directory containing heirarchical structure of platform specific code to reduce #ifdef usage and code duplication o Platform specific #defines in /firmware replaced by inline functions included from the /platform heirarchy o Keymappings for applications to be based upon platform independent functions (eg next item, last item, up in heirarchy etc.) which are defined in a single platform specific file. No #ifdef KEYPAD_* statements to remain. o All #ifdefs in /apps to be function specific (eg HAS_RTC, HAS_RECORD, HAS_MENU_BAR) rather than hardware specific

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