grr, i cant get libsdl installed and that code definatly is no good,
so dont bother trying yet :p
to limit the distance it has to seek back would it be better to read
the smaller of MAX_PATH and buffer_size untill either the buffer is
full or we hit a new line? instead of just reading the full buffer

On 15/07/06, Jonathan Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 15/07/06, Linus Nielsen Feltzing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan Gordon wrote:
> >    // move the fd back to AFTER the \n if needed
> >    if (!errno)
> >        lseek(fd,num_read-count+1,SEEK_CUR);
> That could be a really lengthy operation if it crosses a sector boundary.
but it that worse than doing lots of 1 byte reads?
> Linus

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