Well in that case what is it exactly that is wanted, originally the patch just 
exited the menu quickly when play was pressed. it was suggested that it 
should be the menu (or A-B in the case of irivers)

The patch ended up doing the exact same as the file tree:
        play goes to WPS (and starts playback if necessary
        stop stops playback
        menu (or A-B) toggles in or out of menu.

If you want it simple i am sure one of the original patches had that and it 
could be updated to current code. Personally I like the idea that the buttons 
should have the same effect anywhere in rockbox (and i would extend this to 
the playlist and context menus too)

The annoying thing is that I originally wrote it to fix something that had 
annoyed me since I started using rockbox (and remember being told at the 
time 'if you don't like something, code it!' - so I did). Please pick the 
button mappings that are actually wanted and a patch can be written and 


On Tuesday 16 January 2007 23:16, Linus Nielsen Feltzing wrote:
> The issue with that patch is that it for some reason evolved and added
> more stuff than just the play-to-wps-in-menu function. See my comments
> in the patch tracker.
> Linus

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