On Tue, 1 May 2007, Magnus Holmgren wrote:

I got an idea on how to change the bookmark UI a bit.
Select Bookmark
1. Sea of holes
  1:15, 9
2. Sea of time
  0:34, 8

Personally I don't care about start-time and playlist index. I only have different pod radio channel bookmarks that I select.

I know from other places where they have 2-line-select-list that I don't really like them. I prefer that the only the selected line is expanded to two lines (more tricky unless this is implemented).

To get good UI response, the bookmark file would probably need to be buffered a bit, possibly using the plugin buffer.

Buffering sounds good for me. I'm a bit annoyed about the slow response when browsing bookmarks.

 // Kjell

--- iAudio X5 owner

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