Alright everybody. It's time. Rockbox is now going into feature freeze for release 3.0.

There are a few things to be aware of:

First: Version 3.0 will not have any new unannounced features. Take the daily build from today, (hopefully) subtract any bugs we can fix from it, and those are the features 3.0 will have. 3.0 is an upgrade from 2.5, not an upgrade from "what you can get right now."

As well: We need help. Anyone and everyone willing to should attempt to confirm bug reports in the tracker (especially those marked as due in 3.0) and provide more information for tracking down or fixing these bugs. As well documentation needs improvement so this is a general call to arms for any and all improvements offered to the manual. Again, post these to the patch tracker. If you don't know LaTeX then just copy the text from the manual, edit it, upload the edited version, and note in the patch tracker which manual and exactly which section it comes from.

We hope to have a release version 3.0 out within a couple (as in two) weeks. If you have any specific questions relating to the release, please reply to this thread. At the moment we're still discussing one or two targets but, generally, nearly all of the targets that have builds on the daily build page should be included in this release.

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