I am writing a recording plugin for a Iriver H10.  Since I need to be
able to record at 96kHz and 24bit I've decided to not use the plugin api
recording function.  The problem I am currently having is with the FIQ
interrupt.  I have used quite a bit of code from pcm-pp.c and pcm.c but
I may have missed something.  If I disable the interrupt or the codec
then it all runs fin, but obviously doesn't record anything.  When I
enable the interrupt and the codec it crashes.  Since I have to run this
on the actual hardware its hard to debug.  How is the fiq_handler
inserted into the table?  Is it just done when it is defined as in
pcm-pp.c?  I have commented out most of the fiq_record function to see
if this is where it is crashing, and it still does.  This leads me to
believe it is never actually getting there.  The code is very
preliminary, the final version is likely to be threaded.



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